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Mars Items

Mars Items

It seems like the first hundreds and even thousands of years of Mars’ life were rather childish, full of pointless games meant only to entertain the god. Of course, those games weren’t harmless at all. They were bloody wars that burnt countries and continents all over the world. Countless people died to satisfy the “joyful” temper of Mars, but then such entertainments suddenly lost their appeal. Mars wanted war kindled with a meaningful purpose. For example, to demolish the old pantheon and start a new era, in which he, Mars, will be the main god, the ruler of the Universe (can Zeus allow this?)

Could those desires bring Mars to the battlefield of Dota 2? Probably yes, as he can definitely find here decent opponents and put his miraculous abilities to good use. Mars uses his mighty spear and reliable shield in Dota 2 matches - with effects more obvious than just dealing damage and protecting from attacks. The god of war can summon his mystic warriors to add some blood into the fight.

What about making your Mars even more impressive? It’s an easy job if you use DMarket, the best marketplace of in-game items! Buy Dota 2 items for Mars on this page. Get money for your purchase by selling skins from Dota 2 or from such games as Team Fortress 2, CS:GO, and Rust.