Mirana Stats
- Movement speed: 290
- Attack speed: 115
- Turn rate: 0.5
- Vision range: 1800/800
- Attack range: 630
- Projectile speed: 900
- Attack animation: 0.35+0.7
- Base attack time: 1.7
- Collision size: 24
- Legs: 2
- Gib type: Default
She was a princess of the Solar Throne but decided to dedicate her destiny to the Moon Goddess. Now, Mirana is known as Princess of the Moon, a brave guardian of a mystical forest, like Lycan a reliable protector of a fantastic treasure, magical lotus flowers. The weapon of Mirana is powered by the Moon itself. Summon lots of shooting stars to damage many enemies at once. Or create a super-powerful arrow to attack one opponent with astonishing effectiveness. Mirana looks so beautiful that not many Dota 2 items can really add something to her appearance.