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Snapfire Items

Snapfire Items

During battles, many Dota 2 heroes rely on their natural strength (Centaur Warrunner, Pudge) or on their miraculous abilities (Rubick, Invoker). That’s not the way of Snapfire. Although she is small and rather old, her might lies not in magic spells but in the perfect skills of a weapon maker. Those who underestimate the danger of her deadly inventions are turned into bones and ashes. Their remnants cover Outlands around Nanarak, which Snapfire calls home. Her friend, dragon toad Mortimer, helps her to travel over big distances and attack foes from above. Doesn’t Snapfire remind you of Sniper a bit?

In the matches of Dota 2, this hero has two types of actions. The first one is damaging opponents. Those bullets and rockets can be quite handy. The second one is as a various support for the allies. Void Spirit has a kind heart, and Mortimer is an awesome creature. Add some style to their playing sessions! Buy Dota 2 items on DMarket. Don’t forget about the opposite feature - sell Dota 2 skins and earn cash. On this game items marketplace, you’ll find sections of CS:GO, Team Fortress 2, and Rust.