Disruptor Stats
- Movement speed: 295
- Attack speed: 100
- Turn rate: 0.5
- Vision range: 1800/800
- Attack range: 625
- Projectile speed: 1200
- Attack animation: 0.4+0.5
- Base attack time: 1.7
- Collision size: 24
- Legs: 2
- Gib type: Default
Controlling weather is quite a power, and Disruptor is a high-skilled master of this magical art, or controlling animals like Lycan. In youth, he put a lot of efforts into learning how to make the power of electricity to serve his needs. Now, this hero is ready to use such valuable knowledge in Dota 2 matches. You can strike opponents with lightning, like Zeus. Other electric abilities of this guy include making a barrier, impenetrable for the opposite team, and teleporting one enemy to his previous position.
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