Tusk Stats
- Movement speed: 305
- Attack speed: 100
- Turn rate: 0.7
- Vision range: 1800/800
- Attack range: 150
- Projectile speed: Instant
- Attack animation: 0.36+0.64
- Base attack time: 1.7
- Collision size: 24
- Legs: 2
- Gib type: Default
Tusk is a melee strength hero. He is a very reliable and strong as a team initiator, like Necrophos and ganker, like Night Stalker. Damage nuke lets Tusk place a barrier in an enemy's path, which will limit the enemy’s ability to move or turn to escape path. A strong initiator and powerful brawler, the Tusk is what you really need in your team. Check out Tusk skins and buy Dota 2 items on DMarket!
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