Slardar Stats
- Movement speed: 290
- Attack speed: 100
- Turn rate: 0.5
- Vision range: 1800/800
- Attack range: 150
- Projectile speed: Instant
- Attack animation: 0.36+0.64
- Base attack time: 1.7
- Collision size: 24
- Legs: 0
- Gib type: Default
And here’s Slardar, the Slithereen Guard. Slardar is a melee strength hero, and he uses many things including brute force, low cooldown spells, and high physical strength to damage and kill his opponents, such Legion Commander. Slardar is a highly mobile hero, awesome for a close battle. He has strong initiation and great ganking abilities, and what is more important — his abilities are amazingly combined with each other. His ultimate Corrosive Haze is a powerful armor reduction modifier. This ability lets him reveal an opponent for its duration, making Slardar very potent against tanks and invisible heroes alike. We wouldn’t hesitate…So take a look at Slardar skins and buy Dota 2 items on DMarket.