Arc Warden Stats
- Movement speed: 280
- Attack speed: 100
- Turn rate: 0.7
- Vision range: 1800/800
- Attack range: 625
- Projectile speed: 900
- Attack animation: 0.3+0.7
- Base attack time: 1.7
- Collision size: 24
- Legs: 2
- Gib type: Ethereal
This powerful mystical creature controls flows of energy to slow opponents and damage them, to protect constructions and teammates. Arc Warden knows powerful magic for summoning unique warriors-spirits, as Venomancer, and for creating an illusive, as Phantom Lancer, but still mighty copy of himself. Such a hero in Dota 2 definitely deserves a bunch of excellent cosmetic items. Buy Arc Warden skins on DMarket to emphasize your attitude to this otherworldly warrior or sell Dota 2 items to get more money for buying Arc Warden cosmetics.