一直被模仿,但从未被超越。经典的 MP5 也许是世界上用法最多样、最热门的微型冲锋枪。此 SD 变种最大特点在于已配有消音器,本已令人胆寒的武器如今杀人于无声之间。 It has been custom painted by dripping neon pink, green, and teal paint onto its dark base.
Stand out from the crowd
一直被模仿,但从未被超越。经典的 MP5 也许是世界上用法最多样、最热门的微型冲锋枪。此 SD 变种最大特点在于已配有消音器,本已令人胆寒的武器如今杀人于无声之间。 It has been custom painted by dripping neon pink, green, and teal paint onto its dark base.
Stand out from the crowd