Lycan Stats
- Movement speed: 315
- Attack speed: 100
- Turn rate: 0.5
- Vision range: 1800/800
- Attack range: 150
- Projectile speed: Instant
- Attack animation: 0.55+0.55
- Base attack time: 1.7
- Collision size: 8
- Legs: 2
- Gib type: Default
As a boy, an heir of the ancient house of Ambry has been transformed into an angry beast, like Lifestealer half-human and half-wolf. In battles, Lycan can change his form and become a mighty wolf, or he is able to summon two other wolves and make them fight on his side. Other abilities of this Dota 2 hero allow improving some stats of other units and speeding up the health regeneration of Lycan. There are lots of great-looking Dota 2 items for this guy. Check out this section of DMarket to buy the best Lycan skins!