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  3. BlockchainUA 2018: Final Points

BlockchainUA 2018: Final Points

What we value the most is the community of crypto enthusiast that drives the whole world forward making it a better place to live in. Being founded in Ukraine, we couldn’t help but attend one of the most influential blockchain events in the country – BlockchainUA 2018.

The BlockchainUA conference aims to draw in a general crowd to inform participants, to build a strong community, and to boost the buzz around Ukraine at an international level.

While most part of our sales team attended Game Developers Conference 2018 in San Francisco, USA, a couple of our specialists attended the conference with clear idea in mind: to promote DMarket across the Ukrainian blockchain community so that more people get to know us and our current developments.

blockchainua A lot of attendees approached our booth to either find out about the project or to learn about further developments of the platform. Over one day, more than 1000 participants across the globe had a chance to get more insights on how DMarket is doing as well as to listen to more than 40 speakers from different areas of blockchain and crypto. The discussion spin around the most crucial question of ICO and crypto status in the world and how new projects and the community itself can benefit from growing governmental regulations of the crypto space.

We have seen at least dozen of new promising projects, networked with a solid number of crypto people\companies eager to partner with us.

Our team has come back from GDC so stay tuned – our next blog will be an in-depth coverage of GDC 2018 and how it went for DMarket, including what to expect next.

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DMarket is the world’s first cross-game platform based on blockchain and smart contracts that enables one-click sale, exchange, or evaluation of any virtual item from any game on any platform. DMarket aims to unlock a new gaming economy cluster worth of over $450 billion and make virtual items trading available for more than 2.3 billion gamers worldwide.
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