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  3. DMarket Summer Event - Win AWP | Dragon Lore

DMarket Summer Event - Win AWP | Dragon Lore

The summer event is over and we are ready to announce the winner!

We have 2 contestants having 43 points each. But one of them has answered 52 minutes earlier.

Congrats to our Dragon Lore Event winner!

DMarket summer event winner

The system of gaining winning points is the following:

  • Everyone who has given the correct answer to the first task gets 1 point;
  • Everyone who answered on the first day of the 2nd-11th tasks gets 2 points;
  • Everyone who has given the correct answers to the 2nd-11th tasks gets 1 point;
  • The last task gives 22 points;
  • Those who answer on the first day of the 12th task get 23 points;
  • If you are the first with the correct answer for the 12th task, you get 24 points.

It’s possible to gain up to 45 points: 1 point from the first task, up to 10 points from the 2nd-11th tasks, and up to 24 points from the last task.

Everyone who gets at least 22 points can win.

You are the winner if you have the most points at 23:59 BST of August 31.

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