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Tonhy Johns

Tonhy Johns is an enthusiastic copywriting professional with over 5 years of expertise. Being a digital tech and video game industry evangelist, he is passionate about creating eye-catching yet meaningful web content on various topics such as gaming, fintech, eCommerce, IoT, AI, ML, VR & AR, just to name a few.

Author posts

How to Get a Global Elite Rank in CS:GO
Want to know how to get the highest rank in CS:GO? Our guide with straightforward but advanced tips will help you become a Global Elite rank as soon as possible.
Dota 2 Support Guide: The Best Tips to Become a Perfect Support
Support is an irreplaceable part of the Dota 2 team. But how can you become a useful support? You’ll find all the information in this article.
The Best Karambit Knife Skins Everyone Should Buy
This is the list of the best Karambit Knife skins you should definitely buy in 2024. Be the first to know about the greatest deals on the market!
The CS:GO Best Selling Skins in 2020
Wondering what were the best selling CS:GO skins in 2020? Check out the full list and stats in our new article.
The Top 17 Dota 2 Skins You Can’t Miss in 2020
There are a variety of skins in Dota 2, but which were the best in 2020? Let’s check them out in our new article!
Dota 2 Patch 7.28 Overview
The new Dota 2 patch is here with a new hero, new items and new changes. Check them out in our article!
7 Easy Steps to Start Your Dota 2 Career
The sky-high aim for every Dota 2 player is to start their own professional career. But how to become a pro player? Find out in these seven easy but powerful steps mentioned in our article.
New 7.27 Patch in Dota 2
Want to know the latest info on the new full Patch 7.27 in Dota 2? Find out about all the changes in our article
13 Best Skins in CS:GO That You Might Miss
Here is a list with the best 13 skins that you might miss in CS:GO. Follow our article to upgrade your CS:GO inventory.
The Most Anticipated CS:GO Upcoming Tournaments
There are 6 CS:GO tournaments that are the most anticipated in 2020, including COVID-19 updates. Don’t miss any of them. Read our article to find out all the information.
New 7.26c Patch in Dota 2
We’ve prepared information about the new Patch 7.26c in Dota 2. Find out about all the changes in our article.
CS: GO Update 31 March 2020
A new CS:GO update is coming. The latest Valve release includes a new update featuring: operations changes, a new Prisma case, and map updates.
Sell CS:GO Skins in 2020 - Why? Where? How?
Why, where and generally how, to sell your CS:GO skins in 2020? We have prepared a step-by-step detailed guide on how to monetise your gaming efforts.
enhance your game
Refresh your skins inventory
Go to market