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  3. The Top 17 Dota 2 Skins You Can’t Miss in 2020
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The Top 17 Dota 2 Skins You Can’t Miss in 2020

Recently we spoke about 15 excellent Dota 2 skins you should buy. Each of these will make your inventory look perfect. But today, we want to show you our summary, with the biggest selling Dota 2 skins in 2020. Let’s customize your inventory together!

In Dota 2 there are two different ways to buy/sell/exchange your skins:

  • Steam (has its own trading platform)
  • 3rd party services such as DMarket. Because gamers want to trade without fees and easily withdraw money from their accounts (Steam does not provide such an opportunity).

One important thing we can’t miss, is that you won’t find in this article skins that were published at the TI9 and later.

Savage Mettle

Savage Mettle
  • Hero: Spirit Breaker

  • Rarity: Immortal

  • Slot: Weapon

  • Released: 8 May 2018

  • Origin: Immortal Treasure I 2018

  • Starting Price: $0.11

  • Description: Forged around a core of compact elemental energy, the heft of Barathrum’s flail can cross the very planes of existence.

Buy Savage Mettle

Span of Sorrow

Span of Sorrow
  • Hero: Terrorblade

  • Rarity: Immortal

  • Slot: Back

  • Released: 8 May 2018

  • Origin: Immortal Treasure I 2018

  • Starting Price: $0.14

  • Description: Like a shadow that chills the noonday sun, the span of the demon marauder is sure to darken any day.

Buy Span of Sorrow

Mournful Reverie

Mournful Reverie
  • Hero: Vengeful Spirit

  • Rarity: Immortal

  • Slot: Shoulder

  • Released: 8 May 2018

  • Origin: Immortal Treasure I 2018

  • Starting Price: $0.10

  • Description: For one who has lost so much, a trickle of memory soon becomes a torrent of anguish.

Buy Mournful Reverie

Shatterblast Core

Shatterblast Core
  • Hero: Ancient Apparition

  • Rarity: Immortal

  • Slot: Shoulder

  • Released: 8 May 2018

  • Origin: Immortal Treasure I 2018

  • Starting Price: $0.08

  • Description: Only Kaldr knows what fate awaits the universe in the time of the great equilibrium.

Buy Shatterblast Core

Dota 2 is one of the most famous multiplayer games ever. Every day, hundreds of thousands of players enjoy this game to create a truly competitive atmosphere. You might find a few dramatics or grumbles along the way, but this is our reality. Whether they embrace the community or not, Dota 2 is still a favorite game for many players around the world. We’ve collected some interesting data around the Dota 2 Player Count following the audience’s peaks.

Malefic Drake’s Strike

Malefic Drake's Strike
  • Hero: Viper

  • Rarity: Immortal

  • Slot: Tail

  • Released: 22 June 2018

  • Origin: Immortal Treasure II 2018

  • Starting Price: $0.18

  • Description: Through the combination of the right sequence of spells and a great amount of suffering-both on his part and that of many trial victims - Viper has at last grown confident his augmentations will allow him to return to the Nether Reaches and reign as the most toxic creature alive. Though the way has long been sealed, rumors speak of one passage between the realms that might still exist, somewhere deep in the abyss. All he has to do is find it.

Buy Malefic Drake’s Strike

Zeal of Omoz Arkosh

Zeal of Omoz Arkosh
  • Hero: Doom

  • Rarity: Immortal

  • Slot: Arms

  • Released: 22 June 2018

  • Origin: Immortal Treasure II 2018

  • Starting Price: $0.10

  • Description: To the lord of the seven dark dominions, the rush of power from consuming a lesser foe is nothing in the shadow of luxuriating in the pain of its passing.

Buy Zeal of Omoz Arkosh

Profane Union

Profane Union
  • Hero: Lifestealer

  • Rarity: Immortal

  • Slot: Back

  • Released: 4 May 2017

  • Origin: Immortal Treasure I 2017

  • Starting Price: $0.25

  • Description: Already an unnatural mingling of two separate minds inhabiting a single form, N’aix finds nothing distasteful in augmenting that form ever further to suit their twisted needs.

Buy Profane Union

Edge of the Lost Order

Edge of the Lost Order
  • Hero: Juggernaut

  • Rarity: Immortal

  • Slot: Weapon

  • Released: 22 June 2018

  • Origin: Immortal Treasure II 2018

  • Starting Price: $0.28

  • Description: Long before Yurnero’s time, just before the apex of the Isle of Masks, a new school of Mastery emerged - one whose practitioners had learned to use their blades to pierce the very fabric of reality itself. But soon these blade masters found the repercussions of such actions could spread far beyond the field of battle. Fearing dire outcomes - the nature of which we know little about - the elders of the school burned every scrap of parchment in their libraries before turning their blades upon all of the school’s adherents…and eventually themselves.

Buy Edge of the Lost Order

A successful Dota 2 team includes several prominent roles that can combine during the game. One of these roles is support, this is where you need to help your teammates in order to make better conditions for the whole team. It isn’t easy to find good support in Dota 2, but for those who are interested in this role, we’ve prepared Dota 2 Support Guide. In this article, you’ll find 13 essential tips that will make your support game easy to understand and much better.

Maraxiform’s Ire

Maraxiform's Ire
  • Hero: Clinkz

  • Rarity: Immortal

  • Slot: Back

  • Released: 4 May 2017

  • Origin: Immortal Treasure I 2017

  • Starting Price: $0.23

  • Description: Clinkz gifts the hellfire of Maraxiform’s final breath to all who make threats against The Hoven.

Buy Maraxiform’s Ire

Scavenging Guttleslug

Scavenging Guttleslug
  • Hero: Pudge

  • Rarity: Immortal

  • Slot: Left Arm

  • Released: 16 June 2017

  • Origin: Immortal Treasure II 2017

  • Starting Price: $0.41

  • Description: Those fish fresh to Dark Reef pray to Maelrawn’s name that the tales of slithereen-sized guttleslugs devouring prisoners whole as they sleep are mere stories. The brinier amongst them insist guttleslugs will only eat carrion. But all things in Dark Reef will become carrion, if a guttleslug is patient enough.

Buy Scavenging Guttleslug

Yulsaria’s Mantle

Yulsaria's Mantle
  • Hero: Crystal Maiden

  • Rarity: Immortal

  • Slot: Shoulder

  • Released: 4 May 2017

  • Origin: Immortal Treasure I 2017

  • Starting Price: $0.19

  • Description: In an age now lost to time, the Frozen Witch Yulsaria ruled the whitelands, summoning blizzards and hail-storms upon those who displeased her, while an army of ice golems roamed the lands to snuff out all warmth. In time, her southward expansion angered the Eldwurm Slyrak who, in his terrible rage, melted Yulsaria’s armies with his endless flame before conquering the Frozen Witch herself. Now, centuries later, shifts in the ice have uncovered yet another shard of her empire: her frosty mantle.

Buy Yulsaria’s Mantle

Golden Edict of Shadows

Golden Edict of Shadows
  • Hero: Riki

  • Rarity: Immortal

  • Slot: Head

  • Released: 8 May 2018

  • Origin: Immortal Treasure I 2018

  • Starting Price: $0.15

  • Description: In the midst of Riki’s cloud, enemy spellcasters are beset by the whispers of Tahlin.

Buy Golden Edict of Shadows

One of the high points Dota’s players can reach is to become a pro player. Pro teams participate in various tournaments and direct the game into a new understanding of meta, patch features, and strategies. It isn’t easy to become a pro, but in our guide How to Start Your Dota 2 Pro Career, here you’ll find several tips on how to reach this high.

Full-Bore Bonanza

Full-Bore Bonanza
  • Hero: Sniper

  • Rarity: Immortal

  • Slot: Back

  • Released: 4 May 2017

  • Origin: Immortal Treasure I 2017

  • Starting Price: $0.23

  • Description: Of all the memories from his homeland that Kardel Sharpeye revels in during rare quiet nights, tales from the midsummer carnivals and their requisite target galleries are first to pass his lips. At least, they would be, were any of his folk around with which he might share the tale.

Buy Full-Bore Bonanza

Fractal Horns of Inner Abysm

Fractal Horns of Inner Abysm
  • Hero: Terrorblade

  • Rarity: Arcana

  • Slot: Head

  • Released: 6 February 2014

  • Starting Price: $16.00

  • Description: Deep in the hell of Hell, Terrorblade lay bound behind fractal walls, sentenced to an eternity of twisted contemplation. He stared long into the reflection of his own worst self. And long did his worst self stare into him. Now they rise together, a single entity more powerful than ever before.

Buy Fractal Horns of Inner Abysm

The Order of Cyprin

The Order of Cyprin
  • Hero: Naga Siren

  • Rarity: Immortal

  • Slot: Back

  • Released: 31 July 2018

  • Origin: Immortal Treasure III 2018

  • Starting Price: $0.13

  • Description: Slithice was barely a cycle into her first deployment with the Guard, and still without thoughts of a command of her own, when she was sent with a Slithereen battalion to aid the Conclave at the Battle of Stonefish Gate. For her valor in the face of gravest threat, and against her protestations otherwise, she would earn the highest honors awarded to one of her kind, gaining acceptance into an ancient order, and setting a course for her rise to pre-eminence.

Buy The Order of Cyprin

Bloodfeather Feast

Bloodfeather Feast
  • Hero: Queen of Pain

  • Rarity: Immortal

  • Slot: Back

  • Released: 31 July 2018

  • Origin: Immortal Treasure III 2018

  • Starting Price: $0.17

  • Description: The strike of Akasha’s blade is boon to the unkind wings that eagerly await her torments from aloft.

Buy Bloodfeather Feast

Manifold Paradox

Manifold Paradox
  • Hero: Phantom Assassin

  • Rarity: Arcana

  • Slot: Back

  • Released: 20 November 2014

  • Starting Price: $19.42

  • Description: With a raspy cackle, the elder smith Craler swung the sword that his family had spent eleven generations to fold and forge. So sharp it was that, with a sound like tearing fabric, a rip in reality tore open. Through this rip, Craler recognized himself from moments before, holding aloft the very same coveted blade. Then, in a fit of greed and madness, he cut this earlier self down to seize the twin sword as his own. Too late, however, Craler felt a familiar wound, and was suddenly filled with the memory of being cut down himself…

Buy Manifold Paradox

In our blog, you can find other useful articles about Dota 2 and CS:GO. Also, don’t forget that you can continue to enjoy your favorite game by installing wallpapers. Find high-resolution desktop wallpapers for Dota 2 fans here and CS:GO fans here.

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