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All Dust 2 Callouts in Counter-Strike 2

Dust 2 is one of the most iconic maps in Counter-Strike 2, and many people love playing the game on it. Its structure is a classic three-lane layout, with many options for rotations, active offensive actions, and effective defense. Sure, you need to know Dust 2 callouts to be good at this CS2 map—it’s a way to understand strategies on Dust II better, and is essential for proper team communication.

CS2 Dust 2 Callouts

Like with callouts for other popular CS2 maps, we’ve divided Dust II into areas to simplify your understanding. These areas correspond to team movements and in-game situations.

dust2 map callouts

T Spawn to A Long and Bombsite A

Terrorists spawn at the bottom of the map. They have three lanes to move towards the bombsites and mid. Changes in direction are possible on each lane.

Offensive actions from T Spawn via A Long are pretty popular among CS2 players. The very nature of these areas opens many opportunities for different positioning and good shots. Rotations from A Long itself are rather limited, as Terrorists have to return to Top Mid for this. Many teams gather around Long Doors before their attacking rush, to test the ground and try to confuse opponents.

Here are all the Dust 2 map callouts that refer to the path from T Spawn to bombsite A via A Long.

  • T Spawn—the area where Terrorists start CS2 game rounds on Dust II is quite big. It rarely becomes a combat zone due to the big distance from both bombsites and CT Spawn. Snipers should use the elevated platform on T Spawn to try to shoot Counter-Terrorrists through the Mid Door. Rotations through T Spawn are generally safe but take a lot of time.
  • Outside Doors—T players may gather here before pushing through Long Doors to A Long. It’s a big open area, and CTs rarely reach it. Only some aggressive and brave CT players may decide to check on their opponents here. These actions may be effective against reluctant Terrorists on Mid or A Short, as a Counter-Terrorist goes behind their backs.
  • Top Mid—it’s the primary connector between A Long and Mid. Terrorists may decide to make some noise around Long Doors but then rotate and enter the bombsite via A Short (or even go to B).
  • Long Doors—there is a small internal area between two sets of big doors. It’s a place for combat if CTs choose active offense. Terrorists should go through Long Doors really cautiously.
  • A Long—this big passageway leads from A Long to bombsite A. On the one hand, it’s an open space for effective sniper shots (from both sides) and direct duels. On the other hand, A Long has few spots to hide in and be relatively safe.
  • Blue—a shipping crate stands on A Long, opposite Long Doors. It can be used by Terrorists to ambush overstepping CT players.
  • Long Corner—a direct view at bombsite A is open right from this corner. Counter-Terrorists often take this spot under their control and wait for T pushes here. Terrorists should approach this corner very carefully.
  • Side Pit—one side of A Long is a dead end, opposite bombsite A. Side Pit is located here, closer to Long Doors. This area is not visible directly from A, so CTs should risk and check it.
  • Pit—it’s a direct continuation of A Long’s straight street, but Pit slopes down, and it is possible to hide here. Both teams can use this option.
  • Pit Platform—Terrorist snipers may find a good angle from this elevated platform to shoot opponents on A. The problem is that reaching Pit Platform may be dangerous, as the path is open to A Long.
  • A Car—there is a hidden place on A Long, and players can hide behind a car here. It is usually used for defense, as you can shoot opponents moving from A Long or A Short from here.
  • A Cross—before moving directly to A Site, players should walk through this open area. It is nicely visible from different spots, and defenders often try to control A Cross.
  • A Ramp—in a way, it’s a continuation of A Long, but A Ramp leads players upwards to A Site, and it has a special CS2 callout on Dust 2.

T Spawn to A Short and Bombsite A

It’s an alternative approach to bombsite A. The rotations happen mainly around the Outside Long area, or Terrorists may decide to push this way directly from the spawn.

While walking through Mid, Terrorists may choose to move through the Mid Doors and then use CT Mid to go to A Short or B. Rotations to bombsite B are also possible via Lower B Tunnels from Mid.

  • Suicide—this passageway is lower than T Spawn, and it’s located opposite Mid Doors, so using Suicide is extremely risky. CT players should check the area with their sniper rifles.
  • Right Side Mid—this small area is hidden from CT’s view, and Terrorists may use it during their push via Mid. Counter-Terrorists use this Dust 2 callout to identify where the opponents are located.
  • Catwalk—this elevated passageway leads to A Short, and Terrorists are rather hidden from Mid Doors on it.
  • Palm—it was a palm tree in previous versions of the game, and many players still use the original Dust 2 callouts. Now, it’s a pole at the beginning of Catwalk.
  • Mid—this wide passageway directly connects Top Mid and Mid Doors. Terrorists should be very careful here. The siege of CT Mid (behind Mid Doors) is a risky affair.
  • Xbox—there is a box on Mid right near Mid Doors. Players can use it to jump to Catwalk.
  • A Short—it connects Mid (Catwalk) with bombsite A. Terrorists may use it after fake calls on A Long or B. Also, T teams may decide to confuse opponents and attack bombsite A from A Short and Long simultaneously.
  • Stairs—they are located on A Short closer to bombsite A. Like some other Dust 2 map callouts, Stairs are not about round strategies, as it’s just a name of a specific spot—to tell teammates where you or your opponents are.
  • A Plat—the callout refers to the big elevated platform on bombsite A.
  • Ninja—this hidden spot on A Plat is pretty good for Counter-Terrorists to hide on. They may allow opponents to move closer to A Site and then attack. Ninja is also used to wait for the bomb to be planted and then find a moment to defuse it.
  • A Default Plant—an area on A Plat to plant the bomb on. Its location is tricky for both teams, as it is possible to see A Default Plant from different spots and shoot those attempting planting or defusing.
  • Barrels—they are located right near A Plat on A Ramp.
  • Goose—this callout refers to a faraway corner behind A Plat. It is nicely hidden for players to feel safe and wait for their opponents to be reckless.
  • Short Boost—players can use the dumpsters here to jump to A Plat. Counter-Terrorists often use it to reach A Default Plant quicker. Terrorists should be aware of this option.
  • Elevator—technically, it’s just an empty corner on the lower layer of A Plat. CT players are rather hidden here, so they can ambush opponents pushing through A Long. The callout comes from the option to boost each other and reach A Plat really close to A Default Plant.

CT Spawn to Bombsite B

Counter-Terrorists spawn really close to bombsite A. Thanks to this positioning, CT players quickly take both bombsites and CT Mid under their control, playing a very defensive game in most cases. On the way to B, CTs have a chance to shoot Terrorists in their spawn area: with sniper rifles via Mid Doors.

In this subsection, we highlight Dust 2 callouts around CT Spawn on the way to bombsite B.

  • CT Spawn—it’s an area right under A Short. At the start of the round, Counter-Terrorrists can really quickly reach the main defensive spots.
  • CT Mid—this area is somewhat hidden from Terrorists, but CT players should still be careful near Mid Doors. Shots are possible through the gap there. CT Mid is quite big, but the primary places for defenders to group are close to Mid Doors and near the wall of bombsite B.
  • Close Mid Doors—it’s a spot right near Mid Doors. CT players often hide there, expecting offensive pushes from Terrorists to CT Mid.
  • B Boxes—they are located on CT Mid closer to bombsite B. It is possible to jump on the boxes to have a better view of B.
  • Scaffolding—it’s another elevated spot to watch over B. The positioning is opposite B Boxes, so they both should be used by CTs who plan to defuse the bomb on B or Terrorists who gained control over CT Mid and want to plant on B.
  • B Doors—it’s the entrance to bombsite B from CT Mid.
  • B Car—the car stands near a small hidden dead end directly on bombsite B. There are two Dust 2 map callouts that refer to this spot. B Car is for standing right beside the car. The next one, B Closet, is for the area behind the car.
  • B Closet—this dead end on bombsite B is nicely hidden, and defenders use it to ambush attackers entering the area from Upper Tunnels or B Doors.
  • Close—this corner is located on the other side of the entrance to B, compared to B Closet. It is less protected but may confuse opponents who must check both sides after rushing to bombsite B.
  • Fence—there are some good spots to hide on here, for CTs expecting offensive actions from Terrorists.
  • B Plat—it’s an elevated platform located in the depth of bombsite B.
  • B Default Plant—an area on B Plat for planting the bomb.
  • Big Box—there is a box to boost yourself to B Plat.
  • Double Stack—players can hide behind these two boxes on B Default Plant.
  • B Back Site—the back area of B Default Plant, behind the boxes. It’s another spot for defenders to hide in.
  • B Window—it’s actually a gap in wall bricks, so the bombsite B defenders can see what’s going on around CT Mid.
  • Back Plat—many Counter-Terrorists who control B love to hide here and wait for attackers. Terrorists must check this as the most remote dead end on bombsite B.

T Spawn to Bombsite B

The path to bombsite B for Terrorists is pretty straightforward. Just go towards Outside Tunnels, and soon you’ll be there. Entering B successfully is much more difficult, but that is a different story.

A great thing about this route is that T players can turn right in Upper Tunnels and then go to Mid or A Short. This is one of the rotation options on Dust 2 map.

  • T Plat—this elevated platform can be used to watch over Tunnels from safe spots.
  • T Ramp—Terrorists should pass this ramp on their way from T Spawn to Outside Tunnels. Combat rarely happens in this section of the map.
  • Outside Tunnels—it’s a vast area before Upper B Tunnels. The callout is pretty general, but there is no need to specify an exact spot, as players don’t usually stop here.
  • Upper B Tunnels—after entering this section of B Tunnels, Terrorists can decide on their push: directly to B, to Mid, or to A Short.
  • Lower B Tunnels—if Terrorists turn right in Upper Tunnels, they enter this lower section. The exit is right to Mid, with Xbox to proceed to A Short.

Learning Dust 2 Callouts

Callouts on this map are among the easiest to learn. You should focus on the most popular route first, which is T Spawn to A Long. As a Terrorist, push there again and again. As a CT, go to secure this area from inside Long Doors.

Slowly expand your active passageways. Add A Short to your gameplan. Consider going to B.

It is always a good idea to play offline with bots in the initial stages of learning CS2 Dust II callouts. Focus on objects around you rather than on combat. Then jump into other game modes, like Casual matchmaking, to test your knowledge in real action without the risk of losing your rank.

Another trick is to be active on voice chat. Don’t be shy to make mistakes. Practice makes perfect!

While training on Dust II, you may want to show FPS in CS2 and check how your PC is doing with the game. The technical data may give you ideas of how to improve your settings and be on top of your game.

Check out other CS2 callouts on DMarket:

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