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CS:GO Update:Panorama UI and New Horizon Case

Valve has prepared two extra reasons for gamers to enter Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. An update for this popular game was released on August 2. It contains an improved user interface and a new weapon case.

Panoramic UI

Since the very first release of CS:GO, this game has been stable in its menu style, providing users with the same experience of choosing modes and maps, making various settings, and selecting items in the inventory. Now, almost everything outside the virtual maps and shooting matches looks different. It’s like implementing a new attitude in the interactions between the game and players.

The new Panoramic UI was presented a while ago for beta testing. Now it is available for all the terrorists and counter-terrorists in CS:GO. Just visit the game and feel the difference.

The fresh UI matches with the modern standards of lobbies and start screens popularized by such titles as Fortnite. Of course, the very process of playing CS:GO is not influenced by this Panoramic UI. But it still creates a different atmosphere in the game and opens new shades of gaming excitement.

To delve deeper into CS:GO gameplay, read this Beginner’s Guide.

Panoramic UI has been released for all users

Horizon Case

This part of the fresh CS:GO update is super cool – it pleases all skins collectors, and attracts new players. Just take a look at Steam charts! Horizon Case with 17 community-made weapon skins has been added to the game.

Here we can see the latest trend in skins style – futuristic weapon in the style of some alien blasters. Have a look at AK-47 | Neon Rider or Desert Eagle | Code Red. Also, some new CSGO skins bring to the game fantasy and cartoonish spirit: Famas | Eye of the Athena, Sawed-Off | Devourer, AWP | Paw.

Horizon Case in CS:GO That’s not everything exciting about the CSGO Horizon Case! It contains four absolutely new knives:

  • Stiletto;
  • Ursus;
  • Navaja;
  • Talon.

Getting a CSGO knife is luck in its perfect form. They are so beautiful, so rare, so expensive… Using knife skins in Esports tournaments is a way to demonstrate pro status for famous players.

Skins and the possibility to trade them helps CS:GO to keep its popularity, to attract new players. It’s nice to see the phenomenon of these in-game items developing.

DMarket is an excellent place to buy csgo skins for your game or to sell and make extra cash on it.

Stay in touch with DMarket on Facebook and Twitter! Don’t forget – you can trade CS:GO skins!

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Eugene Bozhenko
Eugene Bozhenko is an enthusiastic gamer and professional gaming journalist with 14 years of writing experience. Since 2007 he has been a member of the Ukrainian National Union of Journalists. Eugene has experience writing about culture, sports, modern technology and politics but gaming remains his long-term favorite topic.
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