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DMarket 2018: the Year in Milestones

Bringing astonishing monetization opportunities to gamers and developers worldwide, DMarket has come a long way over the past year. It was challenging but rewarding for the company, marked with steady development and huge milestones. With 2018 coming to an end, it’s the best time to summarize them all and see how solid are the foundations created by DMarket for the years to come.

Creating the Global Market for Digital Items

DMarket released its product version 2.0 Beta in March 2018, less than six months since the launch of the Alpha version 1.0. One of the key features of the updated platform was Steam integration. It enabled users to trade Steam-stored in-game items and monetize their gaming time with ultimate security and convenience.

creating the global market for digital items

DMarket has quickly become the go-to place for CS:GO and Dota 2 players to trade their virtual assets, and the number of deals on the platform keeps growing with encouraging pace.

DMarket also presented its Blockchain Version 2.0, supplemented with cold wallet functionality for enhanced user security. The current version of the Blockchain is 2.3.0.

Since its release, the DMarket in-game items monetization platform has been regularly updated, streamlining the trading flow with helpful features such as Purchase Order for picking items up on a buyer’s terms and Steam Skins API for wholesale trading.

Aside from in-game assets, platform users have been actively trading DMarket’s exclusive digital collectibles. The first of them, DMarket Founder’s Mark, shot up in price hundreds-fold within 24 hours of its launch. This and eight other digital collectibles are available on DMarket now. They are dedicated to different memorable events and emphasize their owners’ achievements in gaming and trading.

Enabling our users to manage their crypto assets and digital items anytime and anywhere, DMarket launched its simple and secure mobile Wallet available on both iOS and Android.

The application supports:

  • Bitcoin
  • Ethereum
  • DMarket Token
  • DMarket Coin
  • ERC20 tokens
  • DMarket Blockchain items

It offers ultimate device-based security and is equipped with a full range of useful features, including multi-wallet functionality, smart detecting and adding of ERC20 tokens to a user’s balance, auto-calculation of gas limit, and QR code scanner.

Bringing New Opportunities to Gamers Worldwide

Responding to numerous requests, DMarket launched eight new language versions of its platform. It is now available in Russian, Korean, German, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Polish, and Turkish in addition to English.
new opportunities to gamers worldwide This is another big advancement that opens the in-game trading universe to the global gaming community. Thanks to the localization, gamers from all over the world can enjoy trading their virtual assets with utmost convenience.

You can choose the version you prefer by clicking on the language icon at the top right corner of the website.

Engaging Gaming Giants

DMarket is not alone in its pursuit of a global gaming economy with no borders between different titles and platforms. 2018 has shown that this idea is powerful enough to inspire anyone with true passion for gaming, including such a giant of the video game industry as Unity Technologies.
engaging gaming giants The partnership between DMarket and Unity, creator of the world’s most widely-used game development platform, resulted in the launch of the DMarket Integration SDK on the Unity Asset Store. The SDK allows Unity game developers to seamlessly integrate their titles into DMarket’s trading ecosystem, generating a new revenue stream and ensuring fundamental growth of their game communities.

Given that the total audience of Unity-based games is about 770 million players, this is a huge step towards the mass adoption of DMarket’s technology in the gaming industry. As of now, the SDK has been already downloaded more than 600 times.

DMarket also established a strategic partnership with Xsolla, the one-stop-shop for developers to launch, monetize, and scale games globally. The company operates as a merchant and seller of record for major gaming entities like:

  • Valve
  • Twitch
  • Ubisoft
  • Epic Games
  • PUBG Corporation

The alignment integrates the DMarket monetization technology with Xsolla’s suite of developer-friendly products. This makes DMarket’s innovations easily accessible to the multitude of developers working with Xsolla.

Spreading Ideas and Winning Supporters

Throughout the year, DMarket participated in top gaming events across the globe, including such massive conferences and fairs as GDC in San Francisco, E3 in Los Angeles, and Gamescom in Cologne. These events gave our team a priceless opportunity to spread DMarket’s ideas among the vast gaming community, while receiving feedback and new insights in return.
spreading ideas and winning supporters We were happy to see that blockchain innovations and the concept of cross-game digital trading are winning more and more supporters among developers as well as gaming enthusiasts. This trend will be certainly strengthening in 2019.

Expanding the Gaming Universe

expanding the gaming universe While negotiations with a significant number of game developers are going on, DMarket’s gaming universe keeps growing.

Cards’ basic attributes are determined by:

  • Number of subscribers
  • Number of videos
  • Number of views on a blogger’s channel

Despite the game not being released worldwide yet, players are already actively trading DHeroes cards exclusively on DMarket.

Strengthening the Team and Global Presence

To reach global goals, you need a world-class team. That’s why DMarket is always focused on strengthening its ranks with top-level specialists who can really add value to the company. In this regard, 2018 was also highly productive for DMarket.
strengthening the team and global presence The latest big appointment was announced this month, with cloud gaming pioneer Sevan Kessissian joining the team as a Vice President of Business Development. He was the one to elevate cloud gaming to the mass market level, partnering with more than 250 titles and 60 studios. Those included:

  • Ubisoft
  • Electronic Arts
  • Disney
  • Warner Brothers
  • Konami

Now, Sevan is determined to bring another innovative technology to the vast gaming community.

Vitaliy Soultan, a renowned executive with vast and successful experience in the digital economy, was another major addition to DMarket’s senior management in 2018. He is best known for building from scratch the Digital+BigData function of Kyivstar, a mobile operator with more than 26 million clients. As DMarket’s Chief Operating Officer, he is focused on the development and execution of the company’s business strategy.

The DMarket team is building the global economy of digital assets working across three offices in Santa Monica (California, USA), Kyiv (Ukraine), and London (UK). The latest was opened this year to strengthen DMarket’s presence in Europe and accelerate the growth of its trading ecosystem for monetizing in-game content. CFO and co-founder of DMarket Tamara Slanova was appointed as Head of London office. With more than 15 years of professional experience, she built expertise in numerous industries, including gaming (Global Games, Suntechsoft, Skins.Cash) and international banking.

DMarket continues to elevate innovations that are turning virtual items into real assets. New challenges will bring new achievements in 2019, and that’s the reason to stay with DMarket and make big things happen together. Keep gaming and, of course, have a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

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